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Why you shouldn’t fear visiting your gynaecologist

Many people worry about visiting health specialists for various reasons, but one of the most feared is the gynaecologist. It’s understandable, as the majority of cultures consider showing what we deem our “private parts” to a stranger totally wrong and very exposing – plus, visits to a gynaecologist are usually for reasons connected to major life-affecting factors, be it fertility or the fundamental health of our bodies.

The team at Gyneaesthetics London have heard every reason, and we’re here to explain why there’s nothing to fear in a trip to the gynaecologist, and how it’s actually one of the best things you can do for your own health and wellbeing.

I used to be terrified of seeing my gynaecologist – but the team at MAS helped me overcome my fear of the gynaecologist! It feels great to know that I’m safe and healthy

It is vital for your future health

Whether you have questions about your fertility as you plan a pregnancy, you have concerns about your personal health, or you’re just attending for your regular smear, your future may depend on a visit to the gynaecologist. Putting off a visit may delay – or even prevent – successful conception, as specialists will be able to give you valuable advice. In extreme cases, skipping your smear may have very serious results.

You can always change YOUR GYNAECOLOGIST

If the reason you’re worried is because you’ve had problems during a gynaecological exam before, think about what they were. Did your smear test hurt? This should never be the case, aside from the smallest of twinges. Did you feel you’d prefer a doctor with a different attitude? That shouldn’t put you off such an important appointment. If your problem is with your gynaecologist as an individual, you should consider looking around for somewhere new that will better suit your needs and put you at ease.

If there’s something wrong, you need to know

One excuse for failing to visit the gynaecologist – particularly for a smear – is fear of the unknown. If you’re worried about issues such as cervical cancer, it can be very easy to bury your head in the sand and stop thinking about it. However, if there is an abnormality that you don’t know about, catching it too late is a very real risk that will certainly see you regretting skipping that appointment.

You should always be able to feel relaxed and confident about attending your gynaecologist. At Gyneaesthetics London, we are committed care, compassion and an extremely high quality of service. If you’re interested in discussing your needs and concerns with a member of our team, simply get in touch using the confidential contact form on our website today, and we’ll be more than happy to help you.

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